11 Genius Tips To Take Care Of Your Skin While Traveling

Wanna know how to take care of your skin while traveling? Traveling can be a fun hobby. However, it can cause stress to your skin before your vacation even begins. Breakouts, dry skin, and dullness are just a few of the pesky effects it can have.

Plane air, climate changes, water quality, and changes in diet all impact our skin while traveling.  But, I have 11 tips to avoid unwanted skin issues during your trip.

Keep reading and find out how to take care of your skin while traveling.

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How to take care of your skin while traveling Pinterest pin. Text says 11 skincare travel beauty hacks when traveling. Woman with serum.

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How To Take Care Of Your Skin While Traveling

How Traveling Affects Our Skin

Take care of your skin while traveling photo. Airplane window view.

Plane Air

Your skin is taking a huge hit just from being on the plane. Say goodbye to your bright skin once fastened in your seat!

The plane’s pressurized air removes the moisture from your skin.   Which, can leave your face looking dull and dehydrated. Also, cabin pressure causes puffy eyes, chapped lips, and oily skin.

Climate Change

No matter where you go, more than likely the climate will vary where you are. Sudden weather changes can lead to breakouts, dry patches, and cause old or even new skin conditions to pop up unexpectedly! 

Changes In Water Quality

Water quality will not the be same as that comes out of your faucet, it can be hard or highly chlorinated. Changes can cause dryness, redness, and skin irritation even for your hair! 

Change In Routine And Diet

On most vacations, our diet consists of fatty foods and drinking more alcohol. Also, we tend to neglect our skincare routine as well. These changes lead to breakouts, dullness, and clogged pores.

Tips On How To Take Care Of Your Skin While Traveling

Without further ado, you can take care of your skin while traveling with these tips to avoid these mishaps. These 11-savvy beauty tips while traveling will keep you looking your best!

1| Keep Up With Your Skin Care Routine While Traveling

Take care of your skin while traveling photo of a woman with facial cleanser on her hands.

Hopefully are not too jet-lagged on your arrival to begin your festivities. The first and most important thing is keeping up with your skincare routine while traveling. If you don’t have one, you can check out my post on following the Korean skincare routine.

When traveling our whole schedule is wacky. You may be anxious to begin your adventures, but don’t abandon your skincare routine on day one or ever.

Listen to these words of wisdom and wash your face twice daily on vacation!

2| Don’t forget to apply moisturizer

Woman holding moisturizer a must in your skin care travel kit.

Do you want to know the secret of taking care of your skin while traveling? Moisturizer! Use a good quality moisturizer for your skin type. A properly hydrated face is key to keeping your skin healthy and avoiding pesky breakouts during your travels. 

My absolute favorite that I keep with me always is The True Cream- Aqua Bomb by Belif. It is lightweight; however, it gives my skin that perfect boost of moisture and keeps my face looking hydrated. 

RELATED POST: How To Follow The Korean Skincare Routine Easily

3| Keep Yourself Hydrated With Water

Take care of your skin while traveling photo of a water bottle and headphones.

I get it, you’re on vacation and enjoying sunset views or dining at a fancy restaurant. More than likely you will have a glass of wine or a fancy cocktail in your hand.

Just know alcohol will dry your skin!   One of the most essential beauty tips while traveling is drinking plenty of water. Make sure to consume at least 16 ounces of water per 6 ounces of liquor and 12 ounces for beer. 

When your body is dehydrated the effects can be…ACNE! The last thing you want in your photos is a pizza face. Your skin is the largest organ in your body so take care of it while traveling.

P.S. Don’t forget that wherever you are going check out if the water quality is safe for consumption! 

4| Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Take care of your skin while traveling photo of a woman holding facial essence.

One of my favorite travel skincare essentials is facial essence. They come in travel-size bottles so they are easy to tote around.

Just spray on a few spritzes every couple of hours to ensure your skin stays properly hydrated. Mario Badescu’s Spritz Mist is my go-to always and they have a variety of scents that you can choose from. 

5| Have A Spa Day With A Sheet Mask

Woman with sheet mask take care of your skin while traveling photo.

Sheet masks feel like pure heaven on my face. I adore these serum-saturated masks even more so when traveling.

These sheet masks are power-packed with all the vitamins and nutrients your skin loses from traveling. Use one at least a few times while you are on vacation. I typically select ones for hydration or brightening when I travel.

My absolute favorite sheet masks are from Andalou. They are so all-natural and leave my skin feeling totally hydrated and healthy!

6| Apply Moisturizer Again

Since the plane environment acts as a moisture-sucking vacuum, depleting your skin of all its hydration, be sure to moisturize again!

Dry cabin air and high altitudes don’t go well for keeping up with your skincare. The holy grail of moisturizers is from Belif. I always keep this in my skincare travel kit.

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7| Get Plenty Of Sleep

Sleeping eye mask a must in a travel skin care kit.

It may be difficult adjusting to a new time zone, but do try your best. Avoid additional issues that may impact your skin by getting all your beauty sleep

During my long flights, I like to take some sort of sleeping pill so I can get a little rest on the plane before arriving. With these sleep gummies, I’m knocked out within 15 minutes and wake up refreshed.

8| Leave Your Face Alone

Take care of your skin while traveling photo of a woman touching her face.

One of the ultimate beauty tips while traveling is to keep your hands off your face! Avoid it like it is a plague. Your hands have touched money, doors, tables, chairs, and just about everything. Don’t put those germs and bacteria on your face. 

9| Use Sunscreen

Protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun, indoor lighting, computer, and cell phone screens, and apply sunscreen.

Sunscreen application prevents f skin discoloration, skin cancer, wrinkles, blotchiness, and helps maintain a youthful appearance.

10| Moisturize Under Your Eyes

Travel skincare essentials eye cream.

Another tip to take care of your skin while traveling is applying eye cream. It helps with puffiness and fine lines that we want to avoid. Some eye creams even target brightening the eyes.

11| Less Is Better

Take care of your skin while traveling photo of a woman wearing too much make and putting on more.

Avoid wearing heavy make-up while traveling. It’s okay to get glammed up for a fancy dinner. However, there isn’t any reason to wear a heavy application traveling. Show some kindness to your face, it’s gone through a lot traveling. Let it breathe. 

Additional Beauty Tips While Traveling

  • I will say it again MOISTURIZE!
  • Ditch wearing makeup on your flight. Your skin is battling so many factors from the plane. Give your skin some air!
  • Drink plenty of water. Hydrate yourself with lots of H2O. 
  • Spritz your face with facial essence every waking hour! 
  • Apply a sheet mask mid-flight for an extra boost of hydration. 
  • Try and get some sleep on the plane.

How To Take Care Of Your Skin While Traveling Final Thoughts

Follow these 11 skincare tips for flying and I promise your face will be good for you. Use this vacation skincare routine to keep breakouts and dry skin gone.  Are there any tips you use to keep your skin looking fabulous while traveling?

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  1. Josy A

    I am totally with you on this. I get eczema so have to be reeeally careful with moisturizing and using sun screen when I’m travelling. I probably need to work at bit harder at staying hydrated and sleeping enough when we’re away though!

    1. jetlaggedroamer@gmail.com

      Yes, definitely drink plenty of water and sleep. It is hard catching appropriate sleep when traveling. There is too much to see!

  2. Vanessa Shields

    Love all these tips for taking care of my skin! I do notice that my skin gets crazy dry and I usually have to moisturize more than usual. I struggle with keeping my skin care routine when traveling. Love the idea of using a serum mask! ?

    1. jetlaggedroamer@gmail.com

      It is a struggle girl keeping up with out skin while traveling. Definitely get a sheet mask next time traveling. They feel so delicious on your skin!

  3. Daria

    Thanks for all your tips! I often struggle with skincare while travelling and this post will definitely help me! 🙂

    1. jetlaggedroamer@gmail.com

      It is tough keeping up with are skin care while traveling. So glad to hear these tips will help you! 🙂

  4. Charlotte

    I needed this! I’m so bad at taking care of my very sensitive skin while traveling. Some great advice here 😀

    1. jetlaggedroamer@gmail.com

      That makes me so happy to hear!

  5. Menty

    I love Mario’s spray so much. Just stocked up recently (Italy’s winter sales is lovely!)

    1. jetlaggedroamer@gmail.com

      It is AMAZING! Glad you got a sale!

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